
This PromptPlay is designed to help you expand on a topic and generate more details in a mind map format. With this PromptPlay, you can easily organize your ideas and generate more content for a writing task like a blog post, document, or short story.

How To Use It

To use the PromptPlay, run it from the menu bar or via keyboard shortcut. You will be prompted to enter your topic. The PromptPlay will then generate a mind map with expanded details about the topic.

Example Use Cases

Write a blog post on a new technology - If you want to write a blog post about a new technology, enter the name of the technology when prompted. The PromptPlay will generate a mind map with expanded details about the technology, such as its history, applications, and future implications.

Create a character for a story - If you're writing a story and need to create a character, enter the name of the character when prompted. The PromptPlay will generate a mind map with expanded details about the character, such as their personality traits, background, and motivations.

Develop a marketing plan - If you need to develop a marketing plan for a new product, enter the name of the product when prompted. The PromptPlay will generate a mind map with expanded details about the product, such as its unique selling points, target market, and marketing channels.

Brainstorm ideas for a presentation - If you're preparing for a presentation and need to brainstorm ideas, enter the topic of the presentation when prompted. The PromptPlay will generate a mind map with expanded details about the topic, such as different approaches to take, interesting data points to include, and stories to use for examples.

Create a lesson plan - If you're a teacher and need to create a lesson plan, enter the topic of the lesson when prompted. The PromptPlay will generate a mind map with expanded details about the topic, such as different teaching methods to use, activities to do in class, and resources to use for research.


MindFlow is the ultimate tool for expanding your ideas with ease. With just a few clicks, you can generate a detailed mind map on any topic - perfect for creating engaging blog posts, developing marketing plans, or brainstorming ideas for presentations. Whether you're a writer, marketer, or teacher, MindFlow makes it easy to unlock your creativity and take your work to the next level.

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